If a man turns gray, he’s distinguished.If a w…

If a man turns gray, he’s distinguished.

If a woman starts to gray, she’s old;

Something had to go wrong in her life,

And the stress has taken its toll.


If she’s young with some gray, Oh My Goodness!!

The poor thing must’ve had a tough go.

Buy a wig or a hat or some dye child,

Cover it up so the people won’t know.


But look out.  There’s a new movement,

That is redefining gray.

Teaching women to embrace it,

No matter what others might say.


Would you believe me if I were to tell you

That gray hair can draw a crowd?

Women are no longer feeling ashamed,

They accept it and they are proud;


Especially when someone stops to tell them

That it compliments their face.

So check in and give your opinion,

On the newest BLOG called GRAYCE!